
The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan

IEVC 2019 | Paper Submission

Manuscript Template    Pre-Entry Submission    Paper Submission    Camera-Ready Papers Submission
General Papers    Late Breaking Papers    Further information

Manuscript Template

There are two kinds of manuscript templates. For details, please see the bottom of this page.
Templates for Initial Paper Submission of the Journal Track are here: MS word / pdf / TeX (zip).
Note: When using the above TeX (zip) file, please use “esample.tex” in the unzip files.
Note: Please delete your names and affiliations on your paper at the time of the Paper Submission of the Journal Track.
Other templates are here: MS word / pdf / TeX (zip).
When submitting “Camera-Ready Papers”, submitting copyright forms is also necessary.
The copyright forms are here: MS word / pdf.
Prospective authors are invited to submit a paper including results, figures and references. The first page of the paper should include author name(s), affiliation, and a short abstract when submitting Camera-Ready Papers. At the time of the Paper Submission of the Journal Track, please delete your names and affiliations on your paper. The official language is English and authors should submit their papers as PDF.

Pre-Entry Submission

The submission system: Easy Chair

The Pre-Entry Submission is available on the above site. Follow the below steps to pre-entry.
(1) If you do not have an Easy Chair account, you need to create your account at the beginning. For instructions on how to create an account, please click here.
(2) Please log in with your account and press “enter as an author”.
(3) Please fill in necessary information. Abstract should be around 100 words. You can submit PDF manuscript at a later date (until the Paper Submission date).
(4) Please press “Submit” button.

Paper Submission

Please submission on Easy Chair in the same procedure as Pre-Entry Submission.

Camera-Ready Papers Submission

Camera-Ready Papers submission also uses Easy Chair. Follow the below steps.
(1) Log in to Easy Chair site and select “author”.
(2) Click “View” of your manuscript.
(3) Click “Add or update files” in the upper right.
(4) Add your manuscript in Camera-ready version and add your Copyright form. Both file formats are PDF.
(5) Enter “Submit” button.

  • At least one of the authors for each paper is required to register by July 5, 2019. More information is here.

General Papers:

As a new attempt at IEVC2019, we divide general papers category into two types: journal track and conference track. All general papers undergo a peer-review process involving at least two reviewers (blind review process). Accepted papers in general papers category will be published in CD/USB proceedings and also in online proceedings of IEVC2019 which is indexed by J-stage (applying).

General Papers: Journal Track:

Journal track aims to publish the papers on the journal, with a quick review process when submitted to IEVC2019. The number of pages of this type of papers will be 8 pages, and will appear in a special issue on “Journal Track Papers in IEVC2019” in the IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing, Vol. 7, No. 2 (December, 2019), if accepted through journal review process. Note that the journal paper should follow the `guidance for paper submission’ available from the web-site of IIEEJ, to be finally published in the IIEEJ Transactions.

The paper, which got either acceptance or conditionally acceptance rating at the first round of journal review process, will be accepted as conference paper. As the number of pages is limited for conference paper, it is required to submit a shorter version (2-4 pages) of the original (8 pages) paper to be included in the conference proceedings. The paper rejected at the first round of journal review process will be reviewed again in the conference track category.

The journal papers to be published in IIEEJ Transactions will follow the journal publishing procedure and schedule, but the chance to revise the original paper according to the discussion in the conference will be guaranteed.

Pre-Entry Submission (title, authors, 100 words abstract): March 22, Friday, 2019
April 5, Friday, 2019
The submission system: Easy Chair
Paper Submission (8 pages, anonymous): April 12, Friday, 2019
April 26, Friday, 2019
Template: MS word / pdf / TeX (zip)
Please delete your names and affiliations on your paper.
Notification of Conference Acceptance: May 31, Friday, 2019
June 14, Friday, 2019
Camera-Ready Papers (2-4 pages): July 5, Friday, 2019 Template: MS word / pdf / TeX (zip)

General Papers: Conference Track:

Conference track aims to present the papers about recent results and preliminary work at IEVC2019. The authors must submit a paper of which length is 2-4 pages. Accepted papers will be published in online proceedings of IEVC2019 which is indexed by J-stage(applying) and CD/USB proceedings. Rejected papers in the conference track, can be resubmitted as late breaking papers according to the authors’ requests in advance.

Pre-Entry Submission (title, authors, 100 words abstract): March 22, Friday, 2019
April 5, Friday, 2019
The submission system: Easy Chair
Paper Submission (2-4 pages): April 12, Friday, 2019
April 26, Friday, 2019
Template: MS word / pdf / TeX (zip)
Notification of Conference Acceptance: May 31, Friday, 2019
June 14, Friday, 2019
Camera-Ready Papers (2-4 pages): July 5, Friday, 2019 Please use the same templates as the Paper Submission.

Late Breaking Papers:

All suitably submitted papers for this category will be accepted for the Conference. The authors must submit an abstract of which length is 1 page or 2 pages, and select one from the following two types: 1) Technical papers or 2)Art/Demo papers. All the registered papers as late breaking papers will be published in offline proceedings of IEVC2019 on CD/USB.

Pre-Entry Submission (title, authors): May 17, Friday, 2019
June 18, Tuesday, 2019
The submission system: Easy Chair
Abstract Submission (1-2 pages):
The number of pages has changed.
June 14, Friday, 2019
June 21, Friday, 2019
Template: MS word / pdf / TeX (zip)
Notification of Conference Acceptance: June 21, Friday, 2019
June 25, Tuesday, 2019
Camera-Ready Papers (1-2 pages):
The number of pages has changed.
July 5, Friday, 2019 Please use the same templates as the Paper Submission.

Further information:

After the conference, the Trans. on IEVC of IIEEJ is planning a forthcoming special issue on “Extended Papers Presented in IEVC2019”, which will be published in June, 2020. Any articles presented in IEVC2019 except those published in a special issue on `Journal Track Papers in IEVC2019′ can be submitted. More detailed information will be notified in the IEVC2019 web-site and Journal of IIEEJ.


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